Star Wars Insider 53

title: Star Wars Insider 53

The magazine Star Wars Insider released its 53rd issue, Star Wars Insider 53, to stores in April of 2001.



  • " Dark Force Rising: An Interview with Ian McDiarmid " (by Scott Chernoff): Ian McDiarmid gives reasons as to why Palpatine's intentions are more questionable than ever. Scott Chernoff examines evil from a fresh perspective, noting that when Palpatine is evil, he is extremely evil.
  • " Getting to the Bottom of the Topps Star Wars Trading Cards " (by Michael G. Ryan): From a misbehaving C-3PO to signed chase cards, Topps has created a large amount of Star Wars trading cards, enough to make Pikachu envious. Michael G. Ryan presents a history of Topps Star Wars trading cards.
  • " The Essential Guide to Alien Species : Anthropology 101": Insider provides an early look at the upcoming Essential Guide to Aliens, which includes significant information on Rodians, Verpine, and Yuuzhan Vong. And this is only a sample!



  • Palpatine in Insider #53 on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • McDiarmid Speaks in Insider on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references

  • Star Wars Insider #53 in the Cargo Bay (content now obsolete; backup link)
