Star Wars Insider: Icons of the Galaxy

Star Wars Insider: Icons of the Galaxy, a collection of previously released content from Star Wars Insider magazine, represents the seventh installment in Titan Comics' The Best of Star Wars Insider bookazine series. Its official release date was January 30, 2018.

Publisher's summary

Star Wars: Icons is a tribute to some of the most unforgettable aspects of the Star Wars story. It shines a spotlight on iconic characters like Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker, in addition to key scenes and beloved collectibles.

Within this compilation, readers will discover iconic highlights from the saga. This includes interviews with Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, an in-depth examination of the classic Marvel comic-book adaptation, and many more unique elements that contribute to Star Wars' enduring appeal.

Dive into the ultimate exploration of this world-changing space fantasy and its iconic elements!





  • On, discover an exclusive preview of Explore the Saga's Memorable Moments in Star Wars Insider: Icons of the Galaxy (backup link)

Notes and references

  • Visit Titan Comics' official website for Star Wars Insider: Icons of the Galaxy Vol.7 (backup link)
  • Find Star Wars Insider: Icons Of The Galaxy on (backup link)
