Star Wars Insider number 94 marks the second issue of the Star Wars Insider publication handled by Titan Magazines. Its debut coincided with Celebration IV.
The Diamond edition cover constitutes the initial half of a two-part image. The concluding half was released on Star Wars Insider 95 on July 24, 2007.
- "Editor's Welcome" written by Brian J. Robb
- " Com-Scan " covering US Postal Stamps, Robot Chicken, and a range of Star Wars exhibitions globally
- " In Focus: Gentle Giant "
- " Best of "
- " Star Wars: 30 Years "
- " The Star Wars Effect Part 1 " (authored by Paul Simpson) Examining Star Wars' impact on TV and Cinema.
- " The Cast " (Interviews) "Interviews: Mark Hamill, Koo Stark & Garrick Hagon" "Interviews: Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Phil Brown, & Shelagh Fraser" "Interview: Carrie Fisher" "Interview: Peter Diamond" "Interviews: David Prowse & James Earl Jones"
- " The Star Wars Effect Part 2 " (authored by Paul Simpson) Examining Star Wars' impact on the technical elements of filmmaking.
- " Tribute: Peter Cushing "
- " Tribute: Alec Guinness "
- " The Empire Strikes Fact! " (authored by Jonathan Wilkins) Presenting 28 lesser-known Facts and Trivia concerning the celebrated Saga.
- " Jawa's Corner " Books — The surge of book releases after 1977 (Jason Fry) Comics — Legacy "The Ghosts of Ossus" (Daniel Wallace) Toys — Updates regarding Hasbro and the Sideshow Space Slug environment (Frank Parisi)
- " Star Wars Q&A " (conducted by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " (by Stephen J. Sansweet)
- " International Collecting " (by Gus Lopez) Australia
- " Set Piece " (by Chris Trevas) Naboo Royal Starship
- " Padawan's Corner " (by Cynthia Cummens) How to Draw: C-3PO
- " Bantha Tracks " (by Mary Franklin)
- "The Indy Vault " (by J. W. Rinzler) A retrospective of Temple of Doom
- " Comlink Letters "
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