Star Wars Insider 95

title: Star Wars Insider 95

Issue number ninety-five of the Star Wars Insider magazine, entitled Star Wars Insider 95, marks the third installment published under the banner of Titan Magazines.

This particular issue was released with a pair of distinct cover variations. The first of these was the standard newsstand edition available to all. The second, a special version, was distributed solely to comic shops through Diamond Distributors on July 24, 2007.

Notably, this Diamond exclusive cover forms the right-hand side of a two-part image, with the corresponding left-hand side featured on the cover of issue #94.

Table of Contents

  • "Com-Scan Extra: Fighting The Clone Wars " (by Brian J. Robb & Jonathan Wilkins) Star Wars Insider presents an exclusive interview with Dave Filoni and Catherine Winder, the creative minds behind the CGI The Clone Wars television series.
  • " Celebration IV: Event Diary " (by Jonathan Wilkins) Were you in attendance? If not, fear not! Star Wars Insider provides an inside look at Celebration IV in Los Angeles with our exclusive diary of the event.
  • " May The Facts Be With You: Part Two: #51-100 " (by Dan Wallace) Uncover the second half of 100 lesser-known facts about Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, numbered 51 through 100! Showcasing rare images from the Lucasfilm archives.
  • " Pirates of the Boards : Part Four" (by J. W. Rinzler) Another collection of previously unseen storyboards from the original Star Wars film sheds new light on the movie's development process.
  • " Taylor Made: Special Edition " (by Chris Gardner) Gilbert Taylor, the cinematographer for Star Wars, reflects on his distinguished career and his time in a galaxy far, far away at the age of 93.

Regular Sections

  • "Editor's Welcome" (by Brian J. Robb)
  • " Com-Scan "
  • " Best of "
  • " Jawa's Corner " Books — A Tour of the Inferno (by Jason Fry) Comics — Two of a Kind (by Daniel Wallace) Toys — Where Did You Dig Up That Old Fossil? (by Frank Parisi) Star Wars Q&A — Why Girls Rule (by Leland Chee) Scouting the Galaxy — You Say Zuckuss, But I Say 4-LOM (by Steve Sansweet) International — Canada (by Gus Lopez) Set Piece — Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's Office (by Chris Trevas) Padawan's Corner — How to Draw: Padmé Amidala (by Cynthia Cummens) Bantha Tracks Vol. 26 (by Mary Franklin) Indy Vault #3 (by J. W. Rinzler) Comlink


Cover Images

Behind the Curtains

Within the "May the Facts Be With You! Part Two: #51-100" article, author Dan Wallace makes an inaccurate statement in section "68. Tuning Forks." He claims that the Millennium Falcon has never utilized its forward prongs for their intended purpose of lifting heavy cargo in the Expanded Universe. However, in the novel Han Solo's Revenge, Han Solo employs the ship's mandibles to hoist a cage surrounding the vessel.


  • What's Inside Star Wars Insider #95 on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Additional Information
