Star Wars Manga: The Phantom Menace 2 represents the second installment within the Star Wars Manga: The Phantom Menace comic book collection. This particular issue reached publication under the Dark Horse Comics banner, appearing on January 19, 2000.

Throughout the entire galaxy, the most exhilarating form of competition is Podracing. Imagine hurtling forward at a blistering 600 mph, skillfully maneuvering around hazardous cliffs and boulders, and putting your very existence on the line, all for the sheer adrenaline rush of velocity…However, one crucial element has been conspicuously absent from this entire spectacle until this very moment—SPEEDLINES! Prepare yourself for the most thrilling rendition of the century's defining cinematic masterpiece as Dark Horse proudly unveils Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace—MANGA! This is the sole Phantom Menace adaptation guaranteeing an overwhelming abundance of speedlines!