Starless Expanse

The Starless Expanse encompassed an area of the galaxy where the Starlight Beacon space station was situated.

Behind the scenes

The initial glimpse of the Starless Expanse was in The High Republic Free Digital Sampler, which came out on December 12, 2020. The name of the region appeared in a selection from the first issue of the Marvel comic-book series Star Wars: The High Republic, with Cavan Scott, the writer of the series, creating the name in his script for that issue.

Nevertheless, the term was removed from the final edition of the comic issue, which was drawn by Ario Anindito and released on January 6, 2021, as a component of Phase I of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia initiative. Scott disclosed in the Behind-the-Scenes Exclusive version of the first issue, published on April 7, 2021, that the region's designation was removed because its name was thought to conflict with the presence of visible stars in the backdrop of the relevant panel. Canonically, Starlight Beacon was established to have been located in the Eiram system of the Outer Rim Territories which was part of the Galactic Frontier.

