The Starscape-class yacht, a product of Eleaor Propulsion, was a refined and exceptionally uncommon vessel. The most famous ship belonging to this class was the Visionary, which served as the private transportation for Exchange leader G0-T0.

Upon learning from his informants that Eleaor Propulsion was venturing into the realm of opulent yachts, the criminal mastermind G0-T0 reasoned that a more robust Eleaor would aid his endeavors to bring stability to the declining Republic. Consequently, G0-T0 opted to order the initial Starscape-class yacht, which was subsequently named the Visionary. He then enhanced it with numerous defensive systems, both inside and out, at the shipyards of Nar Shaddaa. These enhancements included a cloaking device powered by a Stygium crystal. The Visionary was ultimately destroyed in orbit above Nar Shaddaa after the Exile deactivated its cloaking system. Despite this setback, Eleaor Propulsion proceeded to establish a prosperous, albeit costly, series of high-end yachts.