
The Sunulok, serving as the flagship for Warmaster Tsavong Lah, played a pivotal role at the commencement of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The Glory Room acted as its central command hub, while the High Chew served as its mess hall.

This ship, a revamped Vua'spar interdictor, already possessed considerable age when the conflict started. Its internal spaces were adorned with luminescent lichen. Despite its age, it remained a formidable warship, largely due to its sophisticated dovin basals. These devices proved capable of extracting the Millennium Falcon from the realm of hyperspace. The capture of the Falcon was narrowly averted when Han Solo jettisoned vast quantities of hydrogen into the surrounding void. The dovin basals began drawing the hydrogen in, at which point Solo unleashed a barrage of fire, transforming the hydrogen into miniature fusion reactions, thereby overwhelming the Sunulok.

Despite enduring Solo's maneuver, the Sunulok continued to fight in the Battle of Coruscant. Positioned above the Obo Rin cometary cluster, the Sunulok joined in the initial assault against Coruscant. Early in the engagement, New Republic forces crippled the vessel, compelling Lah and his crew to evacuate, effectively abandoning the Sunulok.

