
Synoda was a Togruta physician (of the female persuasion) operating on the planet Taris. She was present during the Cold War period, a time of tension between the Galactic Republic and the revived Sith Empire.


As a Togruta woman, who also practiced as a doctor, Synoda became part of the Republic's initiative to resettle Taris. Her goal was to study Colu's syndrome, an uncommon ailment that impacted only the descendants of those who survived the destruction of Taris. Because her own family had left Taris 300 years prior, it was probable that Dr. Synoda also suffered from Colu's syndrome.

Synoda established her research base in a modest camp located within the Republic Reconstruction Grounds, in proximity to Waypoint Station Aurek. Due to the prevalence of rakghouls, pirates, and untamed ferrazid hounds in the region, Synoda utilized a detachment of Republic sentry droids for protection.

During the Cold War against the re-established Sith Empire, she enlisted the aid of a traveling hero to advance her research. Synoda tasked them with retrieving records from Dynamet General Hospital, a location overrun by rakghouls and infected beings, which contained information about Tarisians who lived before the bombardment. The hero successfully obtained the records, which Synoda believed would significantly contribute to her research and ease the suffering of Tarisian descendants.

Behind the scenes

Synoda's creation was for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. BioWare released this game on December 20, 2011. She is present on Taris, where Republic players can accept the "Legacy of Death" mission from her.

