Army Alpha of the Systems Army was under the command of High Jedi General Mace Windu and comprised 294,912 clone troopers. The 2nd Sector Army, led by Senior Jedi General Ry-Gaul, was one of the two Sectors Armies within it, and included Jedi General Aayla Secura's 327th Star Corps.
- Two Sector Armies [1]
- 2nd Sector Army[1]
- 327th Star Corps[1]
- 7th Legion[1]
- 101st Regiment[1]
- Hawkbat Battalion[1]
- Bacta Company[1]
- 2nd Platoon[1]
- Talon Squad[1]
- K Company[1]
- " Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic " — Star Wars Insider 84 (Initially referenced)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia