
Danyawarra, a Jedi of the Legends continuity, was the Padawan being trained by Jedi Master Ludwin Katarkus. In the year 23 BBY, Danyawarra accompanied Katarkus as part of a Jedi envoy that was trying to bring an end to the Virgillian Civil War; however, the mission failed when their ship was attacked upon their arrival. During the Clone Wars, Danyawarra served the Galactic Republic as a Padawan commander within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic.


Danyawarra, an individual with sensitivity to the Force, underwent training in the ways of the Force following the principles of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Ludwin Katarkus ultimately chose Danyawarra to be his Padawan learner.

The 101st Regiment, which Danyawarra commanded during the Clone Wars

In 23 BBY, a Jedi envoy with diplomatic intentions was sent to the planet of Virgillia 7 to attempt to bring about peace in the Virgillian Civil War between the Virgillian Free Alignment and the Aristocracy within the Virgillia system. This envoy was composed of two Master-Padawan pairs: Master Katarkus, Danyawarra, Master Everen Ettene, and Padawan Halagad Ventor. As the ship that was transporting the Jedi team arrived at its destination, it came under attack and was destroyed. After a period of three weeks without any contact from the team, they were officially declared lost in the CoCo District Edition of HoloNet News, which was published on 13:2:28 GrS. The article also stated that the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant would be holding memorial services for them on the following day.

Even though both Katarkus and Ettene died during this mission, both Danyawarra and Ventor survived and returned to the Order. During the Clone Wars, Danyawarra served as a Padawan commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, commanding the 101st Regiment, which consisted of 2,304 clone troopers in total.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Danyawarra occurred in an article titled "Virgillian Jedi Envoy Declared Lost," which was published in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45. This was an in-universe issue of HoloNet News that was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and published on the HoloNet News website prior to March 10, 2002.

