In the year 23 BBY, the Jedi Order sent a group of diplomatic representatives to Virgillia 7, tasked with initiating peaceful discussions amidst the ongoing Virgillian Civil War between the Virgillian Free Alignment and the Aristocracy. This group was composed of Jedi Masters Everen Ettene and [Ludwin Katarkus], along with their Padawans, namely Halagad Ventor and Danyawarra. As they entered the Virgillia system, their transport was ambushed and obliterated by opposing forces. The Jedi Order's High Council assumed all four Jedi had been killed, and a memorial service occurred on Coruscant. Contrary to this belief, Ventor and Danyawarra were, in fact, survivors of the crash. Following the First Battle of Geonosis, these two Padawans were found and rescued by Jedi Master Ashka Boda, Galactic Republic senator Bail Prestor Organa, and Giles Durane, Organa's personal weapons master.