Ta'al Pierc was a Human male operative of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Stationed on the planet Toprawa, this agent was of average years, stout, and not very tall. Pierc, working undercover at the Imperial Research Station on Toprawa, implemented a software workaround in their security protocols. This program allowed individuals to circumvent the normal security protocols of the facility. Crucially, it was Pierc who alerted the Alliance to the fact that the design of the Death Star's powerful superlaser was underway on Toprawa.
Once the Empire uncovered Pierc's betrayal, Facet Anamor was sent to eliminate him. Anamor carried out this task in 0 BBY, assassinating Pierc in an alley of Toprawa City. Havet Storm witnessed this murder. Subsequently, Storm inadvertently found the bypass Pierc had created. When Storm decided to support the Rebellion's effort to take the plans and transmit them aboard the Tantive IV, he exploited Pierc's bypass to bypass the security systems and gain the required access.