
Arak Omis held the position of Taal for the Aramandi during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The Taal represented the head of Aramandi society. Functioning as a non-aligned leader, this individual held supreme authority over the Aramandi people and served as the ultimate judge in conflicts arising between different akia. Furthermore, the Taal bore the responsibility of charting the Aramandi's course and engaging with individuals from outside their world. In addition, the Taal commanded the Taler, the unified military force tasked with safeguarding the Aramand system.

While potential Taals often came from the ranks of the priests of the Eeronon, this was not a strict prerequisite. The Eeronon established the selection procedure, which encompassed assessments of wisdom, intellect, governance, combat prowess, strategic thinking, and diplomatic skill. An honor jury, consisting of four individuals each representing one of the four akias, evaluated each candidate. Typically, Taals maintained their position until their death, but the honor jury could remove a Taal if a majority of each clan concurred.

During the period of the Galactic Civil War, Arak Omis held the Taal position, originating from the Cirra akia.


  • Flashpoint! Brak Sector
  • Alien Encounters
