
Talak, a Reigat tough guy, or bruiser, participated in a meleenium theft targeting the New Republic's mining operations on Qua'Tahc, the Af'El capital city.


It was suspected that Talak had previously been a patron of Malthor. Alliance Intelligence had reason to believe he had spent a period in Fabrillan before deciding to leverage his significant physical power and fighting skills for hire. The Reigat was known to move from one job to another, eventually finding himself in the Minos Cluster, where he took employment with various criminal organizations. His time there spanned nearly three years.

During this period, Talak became acquainted with Rani Quanic, a Sullustan smuggler. When Quanic resurfaced in the Minos underworld (after a prison stint) seeking partners for a newly planned heist, Talak and his current associate, Ostan Atur, a Lowen saboteur, agreed to join her.

His role in "protecting" the thieves who absconded with the Qua'Tahc mines shipment caused issues with New Republic law enforcement. During the raid, the trio was pursued by Alliance security forces. While Quanic secured their escape vehicle and loaded the stolen meleenium, Atur provided covering fire from the ship's gun emplacements, and Talak engaged the pursuers in a brutal hand-to-hand fight, seriously injuring Agent Oollj and Cith Sninif, an Ug'Ggeran technician. Only Kichiir, a Wookiee member of the elite Lightning Tech Squadron within the Special Forces Eclipse Team, could match the Reigat's considerable size and strength. However, the combination of Talak's aggressive assault and Atur's constant covering fire overwhelmed even Kichiir. Before reinforcements arrived, Talak returned to the Lathien Leth, and the three criminals fled the Ka'Dedus system with 100 kilograms of meleenium.

Personality and traits

Talak differed somewhat from typical Reigat individuals. While most Reigat preferred a solitary existence, Talak, while not highly sociable, was known to collaborate. He derived great pleasure from his profession and became increasingly arrogant about his abilities, especially after his victory over Kichiir. According to Airen Cracken, Talak was generally a conspicuous individual, enjoying attention and flaunting his physical prowess. His self-image had inflated since his "victory" against the Wookiee, potentially leading him to make a mistake and be captured.

Powers and abilities

Talak possessed considerable skill in hand-to-hand combat and parrying, further enhanced by his advanced climbing and jumping abilities, as well as his stamina. Furthermore, he could match a Wookiee's strength and exploit the natural intimidation that many species felt towards the Reigat to gain an advantage.

Because he relied on his strength, he only carried a blaster pistol.

