Malthor, a planet situated within the Mid Rim region, could be found in the Tandon sector. The city of Fabrillan, a hub for trade, was located there, and the active Fabrillan City Spaceport was a key feature of this city. The sentient Reigat had a substantial population in Fabrillan, and Humans such as Berren Sid Té and Reginna Bel Typolla also called this planet their home.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Sleeper Cell V-16, a group of civilian operatives connected to the Rebel Alliance, was formed in Fabrillan. Their primary goals were to gather intelligence and provide support to Rebel operatives who happened to be visiting Malthor. Bel Typolla once left the planet to participate in the Medepiest Uprising, but she eventually made her way back to Malthor. The Reigat criminal known as Talak also spent some time in Fabrillan.
Within the Malthor system, which is a component of the Tandon sector located in the Slice area of the Mid Rim, was the terrestrial planet Malthor.

Around the time of 1 BBY, during the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance played a role in the establishment of the civilian Sleeper Cell V-16, which had ties to the Alliance, in the city of Fabrillan on Malthor. The network for information gathering led by Berren Sid Té, a local street vendor, served as the foundation for the sleeper cell. Its members included Sid Té, Bakku (a bouncer), Margo Flarestream (a pilot), Reginna Bel Typolla (a docking attendant at the Fabrillan City Spaceport), and the droid programmer known as the "Spek-Man." Sleeper Cell V-16 aimed to assist any Alliance agents visiting Malthor, and the civilian operatives would typically be their first point of contact. Flarestream was frequently called upon for any required off-world transportation, which was one of the specialized forms of assistance that the sleeper cell's members could offer.
Bel Typolla once journeyed away from Malthor to work as a gunrunner during the Medepiest Uprising, which shared its name with the Medepiest system in the Lambda sector. She eventually made her way back to Malthor safely. Additionally, Alliance Intelligence had reason to believe that the Reigat criminal Talak, who was thought to have visited Malthor on a number of occasions, had lived in Fabrillan before offering his strength and combat skills for hire and ultimately leaving the planet. General Airen Cracken of the Alliance mentioned Malthor in several entries related to Sleeper Cell V-16 in a datafile that detailed various Rebel operatives, not long after the Battle of Yavin. Cracken would later mention the planet's involvement in Talak's biography in Wanted by Cracken, a 7 ABY datafile that compiled reports on various threats to the New Republic.
The sentient Reigat population in Fabrillan, a city on Malthor, was relatively high, with approximately fifty thousand individuals. Several Humans also resided in the settlement, and Malthor was the homeworld of Berren Sid Té and Reginna Bel Typolla, who were born around 45 BBY and 26 BBY, respectively. The near-Human known as the "Spek-Man," who was adept at surviving in Malthor's "wilds," also lived outside of Fabrillan. At one point, some Jawas were also present in the city.
The bustling trade city of Fabrillan was located on Malthor and housed both the busy Fabrillan City Spaceport and the slum area known as "Downside."
Ed Stark created Malthor, which was first featured in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 sourcebook from West End Games intended for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Brian Schomburg provided illustrations for a number of scenes set on the planet in the book. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed the Malthor system, and thus Malthor itself, in grid square Q-14.
- Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)
- " Wanted by Cracken " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10
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