Sleeper Cell V-16

Sleeper Cell V-16 was a collection of Rebel Alliance agents operating within the spaceport metropolis of Fabrillan located on the planet of Malthor. General Cracken considered them to be a prime illustration of a "civilian operatives" group, who secretly supported the Alliance through their everyday lives.

Berren Sid Té played the central role within the cell. He had risen from a simple street vendor to managing a large network of authorized merchants throughout Fabrillan's streets, leveraging his broad understanding of the city's happenings to function as an information broker.

Nevertheless, this vendor network remained distinct from the cell itself, which consisted of just four additional individuals: the hard-drinking pilot Margo Flarestream, Gina Typolla - a former smuggler now working as a spaceport administrator, Bakku - an alien enforcer known for wielding an axe and throwing grenades, and Spek-Man, a technician who specialized in droid repair.

The recruitment strategy for the group ensured that members were typically oblivious to each other's identities, communicating via dead-drops and go-betweens. Even Sid, who appeared intent on being aware of everything occurring in Fabrillan, strived, with differing degrees of success, to limit his awareness of the cell's other operatives.

Cracken viewed the cell as an adaptable and potent asset, blending intelligence gathering with diverse specialized assistance for Alliance personnel stationed on Malthor.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives

Notes and references
