Spek-Man was a mechanic of Near-Human descent. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, he provided his services to the Rebel Alliance. Functioning as a member of Sleeper Cell V-16, Spek-Man was part of a Rebel sleeper cell operating on the planet of Malthor circa 0 BBY.
Residing on the world of Malthor, Spek-Man earned his living as a machinesmith and a droid programmer. His dislike for the Galactic Empire led him to enlist with the Rebel Alliance before the year 1 BBY. Initially serving as a part-time operative, he later assisted Berren Sid Té in the establishment of Sleeper Cell V-16. Through this collaboration, Sid discovered Spek-Man's identity and a means of contacting him, though he never bothered to learn his place of residence. Spek-Man would provide programming or reprogramming services for droids utilized by the cell, accepting only spare parts or sustenance as payment.
Spek-Man's communication style was characterized by the use of abbreviations and droidspeak, coupled with a notably brief attention span. His unusual mannerisms made him stand out, and his peculiar speech patterns often made conversations with him challenging.
Possessing exceptional repair skills, Spek-Man specialized in the maintenance and restoration of droids. His talents extended to the repair of armor, ground vehicles, repulsorlift vehicles, blasters, and computers. Furthermore, he demonstrated proficiency in wilderness survival within the harsh environments of Malthor's outskirts.
Spek-Man possessed a cybernetic arm and leg. He also carried a diverse set of tools with him consistently, in addition to a blaster. He maintained a storage area containing a collection of repaired and refurbished droids, with a particular emphasis on R2-series astromech droids, along with an assortment of spare parts and discarded components.
Ted Stark conceived of Spek-Man for Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a supplementary resource for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1994. Brian Schomburg provided the character's illustration.