Talcim Cluster

The Talcim Cluster, located within the Cegul sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was once a forgotten asteroid field. It contained a mining installation that had long been deserted.


Imperial forces utilized the abandoned asteroid mining facility as a base of operations. From this location, they deployed 16 Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttles, originally pilfered from the Rebel Alliance's armory, to form a squadron known as Noshow. Their scheme involved using these shuttles to launch biological attacks against planets in the Airam Sector that supported the Rebellion. The goal was to falsely accuse the Rebels of initiating these attacks. However, the Rebels dispatched a strike force composed of X-wings, B-wings, and A-wings for what they believed would be a swift raid. They soon discovered the Imperial plot and tried to thwart it. Upon detecting the approaching Rebel force, the Imperials deployed TIE/IN interceptors and requested reinforcements from Avenger squadron flying TIE Avengers.

Behind the scenes

The result of the conflict is determined by the player's choice of allegiance.

