Talravin was a planet located within the Core Worlds group of planets. It served as the home planet for individuals such as Bastila, Helena Shan, and the father of Bastila. It can be found in the list of planets.
In the time of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the newly formed reconstituted Sith Empire, a Rodian thief was in the process of robbing a heavily guarded room inside a casino on Talravin. However, he inadvertently trapped himself inside and sent out a holomessage, pledging to divide the stolen goods with whoever rescued him.
The Essential Atlas shows the Talravin system, and thus the planet Talravin, as being located on the Hydian Way when looking at the Core Worlds map. However, the Jedi Civil War map in the same book places it on the Commenor Run. This article proceeds under the assumption that the Hydian Way location is the accurate one.