Bastila Shan's father

Bastila Shan's father was a treasure hunter, identified as a Human male. Bastila enjoyed a positive connection with him.


Helena, his spouse, fondly recalled their daughter, showing holograms of her to a member of her husband's staff. During this period, Helena contracted a terminal illness. Driven by desperation to finance her medical care, her husband relentlessly pursued treasure to accumulate the necessary funds. His expeditions took him to Tatooine in pursuit of krayt dragon pearls. Sadly, his efforts were cut short when he met his demise at the claws of a canyon krayt dragon in the Eastern Dune Sea sometime following the Mandalorian Wars. The dragon's lair was a cave containing a Rakatan Star Map.

After Helena Shan expressed her yearning for her husband's holograms, Revan and Bastila discovered his holocron, containing Bastila's holograms, within the krayt dragon's cave during their search for the Star Maps.

Behind the scenes

Within the game, the inventory image of the holocron resembles a Jedi holocron; however, its description labels it as a standard datapad. Holocrons were not creatable or usable by individuals lacking Force-sensitives, raising the question of whether this naming choice was an oversight by BioWare.

