
Tar'eelok held the rank of Jedi Master. Back in 3956 BBY, when Revan made their way to the Jedi Enclave located on Dantooine, Tar'eelok was in the process of instructing her Padawan, Garrum. Due to Garrum's perceived lack of the appropriate reverence for the weapon, Tar'eelok confined his combat exercises to the use of cortosis blades, asserting that the lightsaber demanded a level of understanding he had not yet demonstrated he possessed.

Tar'eelok's own training was conducted by, and she was a student of, Master Zhar Lestin.

Behind the scenes

Tar'eelok's character was ultimately removed from the released version of Knights of the Old Republic. However, a dialogue exchange involving her apprentice remains present within the game's data.

This material has subsequently been reintroduced via a modification [1]

