The Tarchalia system, a star system, existed in the Mid Rim and New Territories areas of the galaxy's Shiwal sector. It served as the native habitat for the creatures identified as Tarchalian gazelles.
During the Clone Wars, a war fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the system was part of the Republic's territory. Later, in 12 ABY, it was located within the boundaries of the New Republic.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Jason Fry and [Daniel Wallace], 2009, marked the initial mention of the Tarchalia system, positioning it in grid square L-7.
Despite the Online Companion for The Essential Atlas indicating the system's location within the Luuq sector, the reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, published in 2012, portrayed it as residing in the Shiwal sector, aligning more with its original representation on a map featured in The Essential Atlas.