Tarrence Chenati

Tarrence Chenati functioned as the pseudonym for a secret agent who managed to penetrate the Jedi Starfighter Program with intentions of crippling it. Previously, he was involved with the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, and while his death was documented in 62 BBY, the Galactic Senate resurrected his persona in 42 BBY. Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl caught him red-handed as he attempted to damage Clee Rhara's starfighters, the operative utilizing the Chenati identity managed to get away; nonetheless, his objective was achieved in the end, as the Jedi starfighter initiative was discontinued shortly thereafter. Despite 'Chenati' vanishing for numerous decades, he resurfaced using a different assumed name, 'Kern'—an engineer who instigated disorder on the BioCruiser.

