
TDF104 designated the vessel of the pirate variety that belonged to Captain Oxus. Han Solo, along with Chewbacca and Montross Holdaack, who were part of the crew, absconded with Oxus's ship to transport Luke Starkiller and his droids to the destination of Ogana Major.


The TDF104 design featured an extended and intricate appearance. Functioning as both the primary entryway and a communal space, the central lounge area had a ramp that deployed to the ground, facilitating access for individuals boarding the craft. The TDF104's cockpit provided seating for a pair of pilots. A lengthy passageway, positioned between the lounge and the cockpit, housed a control panel responsible for relaying electronic communications between the pilots' positions and the ship's hull.

TDF104s included robust scanning technology and life pods. Each ship was armed with laser cannons situated within a pair of turrets.


  • Adventures of the Starkiller, Episode I: The Star Wars

  • The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film

  • Related categories:

  • TDF104

  • TDF104
