Techno Union scientist

A male Skakoan served as the Techno Union scientist. Functioning as the chief engineer, he oversaw the experiments conducted on the Nelvaanians for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during 19 BBY. During the Battle of Nelvaan, he met his demise at the hands of Anakin Skywalker.


Experiments on Nelvaan

The main Techno Union scientist commences to transform Harvos.

During the era of the Clone Wars, this Skakoan was a combat engineer within the ranks of the Techno Union. In the year 19 BBY, General Grievous, who held the title of Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, dispatched him to the planet Nelvaan. There, he assumed leadership of the local separatist facility. He was supported by four other Skakoan combat engineers, along with a force comprised of B1-Series battle droids and B2 super battle droids. To maintain power at the base, he engineered a siphon generator, which extracted warmth from the planet, leading to a frigid, wintry environment. Subsequently, he directed his forces against Rokrul, a village inhabited by the indigenous humanoid species, known as the Nelvaanians. The Skakoan gave the order for the droid army to remove all adult males from the village, leaving behind only the women and children.

The Skakoans immediately initiated experiments on the captured Nelvaanians. These experiments were designed to investigate how well droid-organic technology worked, and also to transform the imprisoned Nelvaanians into cyborg mutant super-soldiers. General Grievous, having experienced the benefits of being a cyborg himself, intended to replace the battle droids with these mutant Nelvaanians. After each Nelvaanian was converted into a massive cyborg mutant, they were equipped with control collars. Grievous, eager to receive his new soldiers, instructed that the specimens be delivered to him as soon as the last Nelvaanian had undergone the transformation.

Battle of Nelvaan

Skakoan leader watches as Nelvaanians attack Skywalker.

The final procedure was personally overseen by the Head scientist, as he observed the Nelvaanian's metamorphosis. However, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker had infiltrated the laboratory, overcoming the droid perimeter defenses. The main Techno Union scientist was taken aback when he discovered that a Jedi had breached his laboratory. He then commanded his subordinates to release the specimens via remote control. His underlings voiced their concerns, pointing out that the specimens were not yet prepared for combat. However, the Head scientist dismissed their objections, instructing the cyborg warriors to engage Skywalker.

The Head scientist observed as the mutant Nelvaanians attacked the Jedi, who desperately tried to convince them of his non-hostile intentions. However, Harvos, the final specimen, whose control collar had not yet been attached, managed to escape from his transformation chamber. He then demonstrated to Skywalker that the control collars were the cause of the Nelvaanians' aggression. The Head scientist could only watch helplessly as Harvos and Skywalker liberated all of the mutants from their collars. The specimens then began to wreak havoc throughout the base, destroying battle droids and freeing their fellow captives. Meanwhile, Skywalker proceeded to destroy the siphon generator. Realizing that his own life was in immediate danger, the Head scientist fled towards the base's exit. He and his Skakoan colleagues ascended the stairs leading outside, closely pursued by the enraged Nelvaanians.

Unsuccessful escape and death

The Skakoans were successful in reaching their Hardcell-class interstellar transport, which was positioned near the exit on the surface. However, Anakin Skywalker, who had just destroyed the siphon generator at the expense of his prosthetic arm, scaled the ship. The Skakoan subordinates attempted to defend themselves, but the infuriated Jedi Knight employed the Force to disarm two of the engineers. He then hurled them into the advancing Nelvaanian horde.

The Head scientist flees from the base.

The remaining scientists attempted to retreat, but were thwarted when Skywalker destroyed the ship's ramp. As a consequence of the siphon generator's destruction, a geyser erupted from the ground, eliminating the remaining Skakoans, with the exception of the main scientist. While Skywalker had his back turned, the Skakoan drew a blaster pistol and aimed it at the Jedi Knight. Reacting swiftly, Skywalker noticed him and, in his rage, used the Force to crush the pressure suit of the defenseless Skakoan. This resulted in a rapid decompression, leading to the Head scientist's instantaneous death.

After death

The demise of the main Techno Union scientist and the destruction of the facility brought an end to Grievous's aspirations for new elite soldiers. Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by his Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, departed the planet to undertake new missions. However, the anger and ruthlessness that Skywalker displayed towards the engineers pushed him further down the path towards the dark side of the Force.

Personality and traits

The Head scientist dies at the hands of Anakin Skywalker.

The Head scientist demonstrated a blatant disregard for the well-being of the Nelvaanians and the brutality of the experiments conducted upon them, viewing them merely as specimens. He was easily angered and lacked patience, often disregarding the warnings of his subordinates and acting solely on his own judgment.

Behind the scenes

Nick Jameson provided the voice for the Head Techno Union scientist.

The true name of this Skakoan is not currently known. Within the episode's credits, he is identified as "Head Techno Union Scientist."

During the animation of the main scientist's escape, coloring errors were made. Despite his skin being blue, it was colored green, like that of his subordinates, when he attempted to escape and shoot Anakin. When Anakin levitated him into the air, his skin reverted to its original blue hue.

