Ted Burnett, born on November 8, 1926, was the performer who played Wuher, the bartender in the movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Though he spoke three lines, an American actor, whose name was not credited, provided the voice heard in the final version. However, Burnett's original voice, delivered with a Cockney accent, can be heard in certain instances. Specifically, his initial two lines, where he informs Luke Skywalker that his droids are not permitted inside the Cantina, are present in the rough cut Cantina scene featured on the Star Wars: Behind the Magic CD-ROM. Furthermore, his reading of his third and last line – in which he begs Obi-Wan Kenobi and Doctor Evazan not to use blasters during their conflict – is audible within the movie's initial theatrical trailer.
- The Art of Star Wars (page 60)
- This Week! in Star Wars The Star Wars Celebration Store is Back, A New Mando Mondays Mystery, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)