Teela Panjarra

Teela Panjarra, a Human female, held the rank of Initiate within the Jedi Order during the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY.


Born on Corulag to scholars working at the planet's academy, Teela Panjarra, a Force-sensitive Human, came into the world prior to the 32 BBY Trade Federation invasion of Naboo. At six months old, her connection to the Force was identified by Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, who earmarked her for training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. However, before she could be moved to the academy, Frexton, the Chief Scientist of Science Services at the Corulag Academy, kidnapped her, intending to use her for scientific study of the Force.

Upon learning of the abduction, the Jedi High Council deployed Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, Adi Gallia, Vel Ardox, Noro Zak, and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to secure her safe return. Because the Jedi were based at the Order's chapter house on Rhinnal, they were able to get to Corulag quickly, only to be met by Bartokk assassins. While Master Jinn and his team fended off the assassins, Grand Master Yoda personally extracted Panjarra from Chief Frexton and eliminated the Bartokk along with their queen. With the girl rescued, the Jedi brought Panjarra to the Coruscant Temple so that she could begin her training.

