Tegrat, a planet situated within the Koradin sector of the Outer Rim Territories, experienced a Galactic Empire invasion of its star system during the Galactic Civil War. This event prompted a mass exodus of the planet's population towards the local spaceport, resulting in the hurried departure of numerous starships from Tegrat. Among these departing vessels was the light freighter Sidewinder, carrying several passengers who had booked passage to the planet Tatooine.
Within the Outer Rim Territories' Koradin sector, one could find Tegrat, a terrestrial planet residing in the Tegrat system. Its location meant it was more than three days' worth of hyperspace travel away from Tatooine, a planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim.

During the period of conflict known as the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Galactic Empire against the Rebel Alliance, a number of individuals on Tegrat independently sought ways to leave the planet. Eventually, these individuals all arranged passage with the captain of the light freighter Sidewinder, which was scheduled to depart for Tatooine with a cargo shipment shortly after local noon. However, only a few hours later, reports surfaced indicating that capital ships belonging to the Empire had entered the Tegrat system and were approaching the planet. This Imperial invasion was part of a larger Imperial campaign to suppress Rebel activity in that region of the galaxy.
Consequently, large crowds, including the aforementioned group of individuals, began a frantic rush toward the local spaceport. From there, numerous starships took off prematurely, as residents of Tegrat sought to escape Imperial control. After the crew and passengers of the Sidewinder hurriedly boarded the freighter, its captain briefly communicated with the spaceport's control tower, which, amidst the chaos, did not respond. The Sidewinder then proceeded toward the hyperspace jump point, where, after engaging in combat with several Imperial TIE fighters, it successfully jumped into hyperspace.
A spaceport, complete with a control tower, was a feature of Tegrat.

Tegrat made its debut in the roleplaying adventure titled "Imperial Research Station 13," authored by Lester W. Smith. This adventure was featured in the October–November 1990 forty-sixth issue of the Challenge magazine, designed for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, pinpointed the Tegrat system, and therefore the planet itself, within grid square J-18.
"Imperial Research Station 13" implies that the light freighter Sidewinder departs Tegrat with a copilot who is relatively unfamiliar to the captain. The adventure suggests that the starship's regular copilot was simply unable to arrive in time for the hasty departure. In this scenario, the captain, as the adventure indicates, fully intends to return to Tegrat to retrieve the copilot once the Imperial presence has diminished, likely within a matter of weeks.