
Tellanroaeg, an astronomical entity, existed within the Outer Rim Territories. It was positioned along the Corellian Run super-hyperroute inside the Gaulus sector. During the era of the Clone Wars, Tellanroaeg became a battleground, hosting a battle between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the year 19 BBY, Order 66, a contingency order dispatched to the clone commanders serving within the Grand Army of the Republic, reached Tellanroaeg.


Within the Outer Rim Territories' Gaulus sector, Tellanroaeg was an astronomical body found in the Tellanroaeg system. The Corellian Run super-hyperroute provided a link to the planet of Ryloth.


During the initial stages of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Tellanroaeg fell under the influence of the sentient Hutt species. By this time, the Fourteenth Sector Army of the Galactic Republic was tasked with engaging the military forces belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the vicinity of Tellanroaeg.

Tellanroaeg served as a battleground during the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars.

By 19 BBY, the area containing Tellanroaeg remained under Hutt control; the Confederacy had fortified the celestial body as one of its holdings during the Outer Rim Sieges period of the Clone Wars. Around that time, the Republic initiated a siege to Tellanroaeg, leading to significant combat at the location.

In BBY 19, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic gave the order for Order 66, a contingency order that instructed clone commanders within the Grand Army of the Republic to execute their Jedi superior officers. Clone commanders on various battlefronts throughout the galaxy, including Tellanroaeg, received this directive. By 17 BBY, Tellanroaeg was situated within the territory of space controlled by the Galactic Empire.

Behind the scenes

Tellanroaeg was initially referenced in the 2005 novelization of the film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, penned by Matthew Stover.

The reference work The Essential Atlas from 2009, along with the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, positions the Tellanroaeg system, and consequently the astronomical entity Tellanroaeg, on the Corellian Run super-hyperroute within grid square S-17. According to The Essential Atlas Extra: Outer Rim Sectors, this territory aligns with a portion of the Gaulus sector. However, the Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion instead places the Tellanroaeg system within the Hunnoverrs sector, a placement that this article assumes to be incorrect.

