Terson family

The Terson family, residents of Coruscant, included Hasville Terson, his spouse Adray, and their offspring Hasray. Hasville and Adray were the proprietors of Terson Comfort Carriers, an air taxi enterprise.

In anticipation of the Yuuzhan Vong War's arrival on Coruscant, Hasville and Adray readied the Ugly Truth, an escape vessel concealed within their dwelling, situated atop a towering skyscraper in Galactic City. Subsequently, Hasray was taken prisoner by a Yuuzhan Vong war party, commanded by Denua Ku and Viqi Shesh.

Hasray was killed swiftly by Denua Ku, but only after the boy had informed Viqi about the Ugly Truth's location near the Terson family's apartment. This vessel was instrumental in the subsequent escape of Luke Skywalker and his company of Jedi Knights and members of Wraith Squadron from Coruscant, facilitating their return to Borleias.

