Tessala Corvae

Tessala Corvae held the rank of Major General and stood out as one of the few high-ranking female officers within the ranks of the Imperial Army. Her father, a general with a distinguished record in the Clone Wars, played a significant role in her career. While she possessed exceptional drive and competence, her ascent within the Imperial military, known for its inherent sexism, was undoubtedly aided by her lineage as the daughter of a respected general.


Early life and career

Born into a family steeped in military tradition, Tessala Corvae's path was largely predetermined. As the daughter of a celebrated general from the Clone Wars, she gained entry to the prestigious Imperial Academy on the Colonies planet of Carida due to her father's reputation. Despite facing discrimination and other obstacles, Corvae excelled through sheer hard work and graduated with honors.

Her time at the Academy on Carida, along with her subsequent service as an AT-ST commander, showcased her exceptional abilities. Upon her promotion to Major General, she harbored hopes of commanding an independent Corps HQ in a volatile region of the Outer Rim, seeking another opportunity to prove her combat prowess.

Her experiences fueled her belief that the Army's high command systematically undervalued female soldiers. In response, she established the Firebird Society, an exclusive all-female organization dedicated to demonstrating the worth of women as warriors to the Imperial authorities. Through rigorous training and unwavering dedication, Corvae and her associates engaged in unsanctioned operations against enemies of the New Order, refining their combat skills and showcasing the effectiveness of female warriors through direct action.

In the Tapani sector

Tessala Corvae

Instead of the combat command she desired, Corvae was assigned to lead the 1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup, stationed at the heavily fortified base on Tallaan. While she effectively maintained order and discipline among her troops, she grew restless with the diplomatic responsibilities and routine duties associated with managing the garrison. She yearned for conflict to erupt in the Tapani sector, providing her with a chance to demonstrate her combat abilities.

Careful to conceal her role as the Matron of the Firebird Society, she discreetly recruited Tapani noblewomen, expanding the group's membership to approximately one hundred. Leveraging her position as Army commander at Tallaan, she secretly equipped the sorority with Imperial resources, including two Lambda-class shuttles, twenty sets of Stormtrooper armor, and a stockpile of infantry weapons.

Years later, in 9 ABY, Tessala Corvae met her demise during an attempt to recapture the Lusankya amidst the chaos of the Galactic Civil War.

Personality and traits

Corvae possessed a striking physical presence, characterized by her tall, athletic build, fair skin, dark hair, and vibrant red lips. Her personality was a blend of unwavering determination and the disciplined professionalism expected of an Imperial officer. She was capable of both fairness and ruthlessness, often exhibiting both simultaneously, as demonstrated by her harsh treatment of troops who failed to meet the Army's standards. However, she often deferred to the directives of high-ranking female officers within the Empire, sometimes disregarding conflicting orders in her fervent pursuit of combating sexist practices. Her expertise lay in armor and artillery operations, but she had honed her hand-to-hand combat skills in Firebird Society training camps, typically carrying two concealed vibroblades in addition to her standard sidearm.

Behind the scenes

Tessala Corvae was initially introduced in the 1997 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Lords of the Expanse, with a brief mention within a specific article. Her connection to the Firebird Society was later established. Galaxy of Intrigue further elaborated on Corvae's backstory through segments dedicated to the Firebird Society.

While Lords of the Expanse identifies Tessala Corvae as the founder of the Firebird Society, Galaxy of Intrigue clarifies that she established a faction within the organization after joining it.


  • Lords of the Expanse (First mentioned)
  • Galaxy of Intrigue

Notes and references
