The Firebird Society was a paramilitary organization exclusively for women, originating in the days of the Galactic Republic. Even after the Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire, the Society persisted, continuing its existence even after the Empire's fall. Its primary purpose was to advocate for and support its female members when they faced misogynistic treatment from their male counterparts.
Initially, the Society was made up solely of female fighter pilots. However, it eventually expanded to include women from all branches of military service, including the Space Rescue Corps. The only requirement for membership was a record of distinguished military service. Membership was strictly limited to women, and new members were carefully selected. To be admitted, a candidate needed the endorsement of two established Firebirds in good standing, one of whom would present the initiate with the Society's signature pin. Regional meetings were a key part of the Society's activities, providing opportunities to recruit new members and monitor the progress of their fellow sisters.
During the Imperial Period, the Firebird Society adopted a far more confrontational approach. They dedicated themselves to retaliating against the male oppressors who sought to deny them their rightful place in the military hierarchy. To achieve their goals, these Firebirds were willing to employ any means necessary, stopping short only of collaborating with the Rebellion. This included tactics such as blackmail and vigilante raids. Their meetings served as platforms for sharing secret information about military officers or politicians suspected of hindering the careers of promising female officers. This information was then used to discredit these targets, either by leaking damaging details about their corruption or by falsely blaming them for failures.
The Firebird Society focused its activities on close-combat training, as well as planning and executing strikes against those who obstructed female advancement and opposed the galactic government. In action, members wore black body gloves with veiled hoods. This both concealed their identities and emphasized that their actions were being carried out by skilled women. These tight-fitting commando jumpsuits were specifically designed to highlight the fact that women of exceptional skill were responsible for their actions.
They strongly favored vibroblades over blasters.
The organization's roots trace back to 2000 BBY on the planet Lianna, where it began as a social club for the top female fighter pilots from the local military academy. Members acted as wingmates for each other or as mentors for new recruits. Over time, the organization grew beyond its Lianna origins, becoming a more widespread galactic organization with chapters across the galaxy. It also expanded to include women from all branches of the armed services. However, membership still required exceptional skill, dedication to the ideals of the Galactic Republic, and a commitment to supporting their fellow sisters. This dedication to military tradition made them a highly effective group of soldiers during times of war. In some war zones, their effectiveness was so remarkable that they gained semi-official status and were permitted to wear their Firebird pin on their uniforms. Notably, during the Freedon Nadd Uprising, some of the most accomplished officers and pilots who fought alongside the Jedi Order were members of the Firebird Society.

The organization experienced a significant transformation during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The Imperial Military was plagued by both xenophobia and sexism. As a result, many talented female officers were denied promotions simply because of their gender. Only the most exceptionally skilled or wealthy women managed to climb the ranks, while others were forced to watch as less capable men were promoted ahead of them. This was evident in both the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Army. During this period, Tessala Corvae, a young female officer in the Imperial Army and a member of the Firebird Society, found herself relegated to patrolling the Tapani sector. It became clear that she was a victim of the sexism prevalent in Emperor Palpatine's New Order. Driven to change this, she used her connections within the Firebird Society to transform it from a social networking group into a vigilante organization. Its new mission was to advance the rights of its female members by any means necessary, short of betraying the Empire to the Rebel Alliance. At its peak, the group was believed to have at least 200 members.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Firebird Society began conducting increasingly visible strikes against enemies of the Empire. These actions were intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of female warriors to the Army high command, the Imperial leadership, and the galaxy at large. Although the Firebird Society's agenda and membership spanned the entire Empire, the Tapani Sector became the focal point of their activities when Corvae was promoted to Major General and given command of the 1st Tapani Assault Battlegroup at Tallaan. She found enthusiastic recruits among the local noblewomen, increasing the group's active roster to around one hundred members. Each new recruit was expected to provide a valuable gift upon joining – small starships and discreet local bases were particularly appreciated – and members subsequently paid an annual subscription fee. General Corvae herself leveraged her position as Army commander on Tallaan to equip the sorority with two Lambda-class shuttles, twenty sets of stormtrooper armor, and a small arsenal of infantry weapons.
The effectiveness of Corvae's more militant Firebirds during this time made them a target for both Imperial Intelligence and Alliance Intelligence. Although some members were captured, their unwavering loyalty to the Society ensured that it remained protected and hidden. During the rise of Ysanne Isard as Director of Imperial Intelligence, Major General Corvae pledged the Firebird Society's allegiance to her. Isard was impressed by the organization's track record and promoted its members to key high-level military positions while tasking others with covertly monitoring for dissent within the Imperial ranks. This period of aggressive action by the Firebird Society ended with the death of Major General Corvae, although the organization continued to exist in later years.
The Society persisted into the Legacy era, where it came under the scrutiny of the Galactic Alliance Guard. While the group no longer engaged in violent vigilantism, the GAG remained wary of a group that prioritized loyalty to its own members over loyalty to the Galactic Alliance. During this time, the group continued its practice of secretly and aggressively seeking out damaging information about individuals or organizations that hindered the advancement of noteworthy female officers based solely on their gender.