Tharan Cedrax

Doctor Tharan Cedrax was a slicer and xeno-engineer of the Human species, identified as male, who lived during the Cold War period between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. He operated on Nar Shaddaa alongside his holographic assistant named Holiday. A Jedi Consular enlisted him, and he became a comrade to the Jedi throughout subsequent galactic events. In later years, Cedrax became a part of the Republic's think-tank, aiding in the development of the sophisticated Meridian Complex located on Corellia. Following the Meridian Complex assault, he chose to align himself with the Eternal Alliance.


Tharan Cedrax, born on Anaxes, considered himself a genius and was a proficient exo-technologist. He briefly attended the University of Corellia, but was ultimately expelled when his dedication to academic work diminished as he became more interested in creating devices for enjoyment. Cedrax journeyed to Nar Shaddaa and established an office, where he ran a distinctive business centered on developing novel technologies using exo-technology for affluent and peculiar clientele. Among his creations was Holiday, a sentient holographic companion with whom he shared his life and social interactions. Renowned as both a ladies' man and a gambling playboy, he also gained respect for resolving the perplexing M'raki Uplink Paradox and for his design of the Shadow Town prison. Despite being banned from the Star Cluster Casino, the Lyris Lounge, and Reeder's Droid Warehouse, Cedrax maintained friendships within the Jedi Order. Having assisted Jedi Masters Syo Bakarn and Duras Fain early in the Cold War while they were tracking an Imperial fugitive, Cedrax counted them as friends, selling devices to the Jedi High Council at reasonable prices.

Tharan during his travels with the Jedi

When Master Fain started exhibiting signs of mental instability and began gathering weapons and followers under the name of the Guiding Hand, Master Bakarn thought Cedrax would be a good source of information for the Jedi Knight tasked with tracking Fain. The Knight found the exo-technologist dealing with a Nikto gang leader, drove away the Nikto thugs, and briefed Cedrax on Fain's situation. Cedrax used his connection to the Red Light Lancers, a tech-specialist gang within the Guiding Hand, to help the Knight infiltrate the group. He arranged a meeting with the Lancers' leader, Klage, and secretly communicated with the Knight to guide them through the gang's headquarters. When the Knight had to pass an initiation test that involved a terrorist attack against the Hutt Cartel, Cedrax provided stolen Sith access codes that would blame the attack on the Empire, not the Republic. While the Jedi infiltrated the Cartel's facilities, a Hutt agent came looking for answers about reports of Jedi entering and leaving Cedrax's offices. The Jedi managed to distract the guard and convince him of their non-involvement, Cedrax urged the Knight to act faster. Cedrax equipped the Jedi with an anti-mind control device to use against Fain, and he and Holiday pledged their support to the Consular after Fain was cured and returned to Tython.

Tharan Cedrax inside Meridian Complex, his grand creation

As he journeyed with the Consular, his efforts were rewarded with an invitation to a symposium at the Lumenatus Club, a clandestine society of the galaxy's most brilliant scientific minds. The invitation arrived in the form of an anonymous package delivered to The Barsen'thor's Defender-class light corvette, containing a letter of Flimsiplast sealed within a glass capsule. The letter contained a chemical formula for a gas that, when introduced into the capsule, revealed a hidden message on its interior. Tharan decided to prepare for the symposium by constructing and presenting the functional Vandrayk Generator, a theoretical device initially proposed by the Arkanian Gorman Vandrayk during the era of the Old Sith Wars. This generator was designed to operate on a form of energy that was not yet known. However, after constructing the generator and realizing that it would only function for a brief minute before its valuable core burned out, Cedrax dismantled his creation. Instead, he used the generator's core to enhance the sentience of his holographic companion, Holiday. He still tried to present the generator at the symposium, but the core failed predictably, making Cedrax the subject of ridicule.

Personality and traits

Tharan with Holiday

Cedrax was typically composed, though sarcastic, and generally preferred logical solutions to problems. He strongly believed that knowledge was inherently morally neutral and always worth preserving, which occasionally led to disagreements with the Consular when a powerful weapon or forbidden science project needed to be destroyed for the greater good. He also disliked obvious or excessive displays of Force abilities, particularly the Jedi mind trick. Cedrax considered himself a pacifist, but the harsh realities of life on Nar Shaddaa meant that he was skilled with both a scattergun and a blaster. However, he often used his technological skills to heal the Consular during battles or deployed Holiday as a distraction.

Cedrax was a skilled healer and ranged attacker, and with Holiday's help, he could stun enemies. Cedrax was known as a shrewd and clever gambler on Nar Shaddaa, a charming playboy, and a specialized technology slicer.

Beyond his scientific interests, Cedrax also appreciated fine luxuries and the attention of attractive women. He avoided forming lasting relationships, as his true emotional bond was with Holiday, who was easily prone to jealousy.

Behind the scenes

Doctor Tharan Cedrax

Cedrax appears as a companion character for the Jedi Consular in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Jamie Elman provides his voice. In terms of gameplay, he serves as the healing companion. A female Consular has the option to engage in a flirtatious relationship and a one-night stand with Cedrax, but Holiday's jealousy brings the affair to an end.

The mission to recruit Cedrax into the Alliance is exclusively available to Jedi Consular class Alliance Commanders. Cedrax explains to the Consular that with the Meridian Complex now operational, his responsibilities to the shipyard have concluded, leaving him in need of new employment. However, if the Commander is an Imperial, the player has the option to eliminate him at the Complex.

