Duras Fain

title: Duras Fain

During the Cold War era, a Jedi Master of the Human species named Duras Fain served the Jedi Order. He was a male stationed on Nar Shaddaa as the stalemate drew to a close, where he ultimately became a victim of the plague orchestrated by Vivicar, a mysterious Sith Lord. He operated during the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire.


By the time the Cold War began, Duras Fain, a Human Jedi Master, was considered a bit of a rebel within the Jedi Order. He had a daughter, Laranna, and claimed to have engaged in an affair with fellow Jedi Yuon Par while stationed on Malachor III during the Great Galactic War. The truth was that every Jedi present on that dreaded planet was being corrupted by the dark side, with the exception of Parkanas Tark. Fain and his companions fled the world, regretting that they lost track of Tark before their shuttle departed, effectively leaving him for dead. As the Cold War commenced, Fain journeyed with Master Syo Bakarn and encountered Tharan Cedrax for the first time. He trained Laranna as his Padawan, and together they were assigned to the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa, to serve the Republic and the interests of the Jedi High Council. Following a series of unusual illnesses affecting some of the Jedi Order's most esteemed Masters, High Councilor Syo Bakarn came to believe that Fain had succumbed to a psychosis and had risen to a leadership position within a criminal syndicate known as the Guiding Hand. Noted for his charisma and great ability to command others through his strength in the Force, Bakarn dispatched a Jedi Knight to prevent Fain from raising an army. Bakarn instructed the Knight to make contact with Tharan Cedrax, a former colleague of Fain's, in hopes that he might help in the Order's search for their missing Jedi Master.

Consumed by his psychosis, Fain began uniting the various gangs of Nar Shaddaa to oppose the Hutt Cartel, finding particular support in the Nikto Sector. As he amassed weapons and followers, Fain hoped his old friend Tharan Cedrax would join his Guiding Hand. However, when a Jedi Knight, disguised as a member of the Red Light Lancers, gained notoriety, Fain requested a meeting in the Red Light Sector instead. Communicating with the Jedi Knight via hologram from a secure location in Shadow Town, he revealed that he was fully aware of their true identity and the mission assigned to them by Master Bakarn. Fain ordered the Jedi's assassination, surrounding himself with Morgukai warriors within the Shadow Town residential compound. When the Jedi Knight, aided by the compound's creator, Tharan Cedrax, infiltrated the facility, Fain awaited his hunter in his personal command center. Taunting the Jedi Knight, Fain claimed that his affair with Par had led to the death of Parkanas Tark on Malachor III, and that this event had triggered their shared psychosis. After being defeated by the Knight, who bribed Cartel enforcers for protection, Fain was cured and redeemed from the plague. Upon realizing the extent of his actions, Fain was deeply remorseful and pledged to return to Tython to face the judgment of the High Council.


Fain's weapon of choice was a standard lightsaber that emitted a yellow blade.

Behind the scenes

The Consular character had the option to either protect him for light side points or eliminate him for dark side points.

