The eleventh edition of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine is titled Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine 11. Inside, readers could find the best 5 lightsaber battles and scary moments from the Clone Wars, in addition to a pair of original comic stories.
- The Clone Wars Top 5 Lightsaber Duels!
- Lure of the Dark Side Games Words of Evil Brothers in Harm Which Witch is Which?
- Obi-Wan's Padawan Challenge Games Spot the Silhouette Close-Up Masters Fight in the Dark Pairing Up
- Deadly Droid
- Threepio's Protocol Puzzles Going for Goldie Comm Confusion In the Wars Threepio's a Crowd Answer the following questions:
1.How many TB-2s are there?
2.How many battle droids are there?
3.How Many firefigher battle droids are there?
- Clanker Conundrums! games Eye Spy Spot the Difference Ambush! Mech Maze
- Out
- Episode Guide: Shadow Warrior
- Wookiee Puzzles Furball! Temper Temper! Bolt from the Blue Kashyyyk Konnundrum Tooth & Nail
- Top 5 terrors
- Monstrous Puzzles Mix'n'Match Monster Camouflaged Creatures! Lethal Labyrinth Spot the Difference
- Monster Word Search