Star Wars: The Last Command was adapted into comic book form from the original novel The Last Command, penned by Timothy Zahn.
The struggling Republic finds itself in dire straits, enduring relentless assaults orchestrated by Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn has unified the remaining Imperial forces, pushing back the Rebels using a horrifying technology discovered within the Emperor's hidden fortress: clone troopers. As Thrawn initiates his ultimate offensive, Han and Chewbacca are desperately trying to forge an alliance of smugglers to launch a final, desperate assault against the Empire. Meanwhile, Leia is working tirelessly to maintain the unity of the Alliance, all while preparing for the impending birth of her Jedi twins. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of ships and clone soldiers under Thrawn's command, the Republic's last glimmer of hope rests on a small team, led by Luke Skywalker, infiltrating the very fortress that houses Thrawn's dreadful cloning facilities. Within this fortress, a culminating peril awaits: the Dark Jedi C'baoth is directing the battle against the Rebels, building his power to complete his original goal: the annihilation of Luke Skywalker.
- Star Wars: The Last Command (TPB)
- Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy
- Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 4
- Star Wars Legends: The New Republic Omnibus Vol. 2
- Star Wars Legends: The Thrawn Trilogy
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