Penned by Angela Phillips, "The Most Dangerous Foe" is a Star Wars tale. Its original appearance was within Star Wars Adventure Journal 11, brought to readers by West End Games. The publication date was November of 1996. Later, it found a home online at Hyperspace on September 20, 2006.
During the Rebels' retreat from Yavin Base, Deen Voorson entertained Mavis and Tarn, two brothers, with a narrative set in the era preceding the Empire.
Vici Ramunee has just completed the construction of her very first lightsaber. She now faces a final trial set by her mentor, Mistress Tannis. Success will mark her as a true Jedi. The next morning, Vici encountered her master and received her challenge: reach the Cave of Truth without any provisions.
Vici began her journey to the cave, following a river that led into a forest. While taking a drink from the river, she sensed another presence watching her from the forest. It was her brother, Veni Ramunee, who carried Vici's lightsaber. Vici asked him to turn back, but he claimed he didn't know the way back, so she allowed him to accompany her to the cave's entrance. His constant complaints annoyed her, but she used the Force to maintain her composure.
Vici and Veni left the forest and proceeded through a canyon. In this canyon, they detected a thumping sound, indicating a large, living creature. Vici determined that fighting it was the best option. As the creature rounded a bend, they saw a massive reptile with twenty legs. Vici attacked with her lightsaber, but the dragon dodged the blow and began to speak. He identified himself as Willm Lywin, a Duinuogwuin Jedi Master and the guardian of the Cave of Truth, with his lesson being to avoid acting rashly.
After Vici shared stories of her family and home with Willm Lywin, they arrived at a dead end, which Willm revealed to be the Cave of Truth. Vici discovered a hidden opening in the wall and began to clear the entrance by moving boulders with the Force. Once the path was clear, Master Lywin granted her until dawn to complete the cave's challenge. Using the Force, she navigated the dark, maze-like tunnels until she reached an illuminated room.
The room reminded her of home, and it contained a table laden with food. She resisted the temptation to eat, and as she approached, the food appeared rotten. Turning around, she saw a skeleton in a chair, dressed in her clothes. After regaining her composure, everything vanished. She proceeded to the next room, which was simply a large pit. She jumped in and was lifted to a platform. From there, she could choose a door sloping upwards or one sloping downwards. Vici chose the downward-sloping path. She had to crawl through the next tunnel until it opened into another chamber.
Inside this room, she discovered a highly valuable Corusca gem. She recognized this as a test of her willpower. She attempted to leave the room, but threads of light stung her as she tried. Using the Force, she placed the gem into the web of light, which allowed her to pass through.
The following room was filled with mirrors. She saw illusions of people and places from her life. The room sealed shut behind her, and she had to find a way out, but water began to flood the chamber. She became angry, fighting a foe who wasn't there, but when she saw herself in the mirror, she calmed down. She reached towards her reflection and pushed through the wall. She then met her master, Tannis. Master Tannis informed her that she had passed the test, confronting her fear, impatience, anger, and physical limitations.
Deen concluded his story. A man standing in the doorway said he enjoyed the story. He was there to thank Deen for repairing his droid. Deen considered erasing his memory but decided against it. Deen inquired if they had anything to worry about, and the man replied that they would not if they remained open to the Force.