The New Essential Guide to Alien Species

The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, a reference book spanning 224 pages, was brought to the public by Del Rey and holds the position of thirteenth installment in the Essential Guide series. Ann Margaret Lewis, the writer behind the original Essential Guide to Alien Species, and Helen Keier, marking her debut in Star Wars writing, collaborated on its creation. This book saw its release in America on October 31, 2006. A significant aspect is its inclusion of details about Yoda's species, a first for the series, even without providing a specific species name or homeworld.

Mirroring its predecessor, The New Essential Chronology and the Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide, the book is also presented as an in-universe work, attributed to the author Mammon Hoole.

From the Publisher

This beautifully illustrated guide, now in full color for the first time, allows you to discover the identities and characteristics within the Star Wars universe.

The galaxy of Star Wars contains more than just Jawas, Wookiees, Ewoks, and Hutts when considering extraterrestrial life. An uncounted number of species inhabit planets from Coruscant's skylanes to the Outer Rim's worlds. Should you confuse Gungans and Gamorreans, or lack the ability to differentiate between a bantha and a tauntaun, this revised, expanded, and updated guide is the source for in-depth data.

This all-encompassing overview includes beings from all six original films, in addition to those from novels, animated series, comics, and video games. It's a larger collection of species than you'd encounter in the Mos Eisley cantina. Each entry, spanning from Acklay to Zabrak, and amphibians to vacuumbreathers, provides the essential information you require, including:

A temporary cover for The New Essential Guide to Alien Species before it was released.
  • Comprehensive physical descriptions and official designations, enabling you to distinguish between sentient and nonsentient beings, as well as humanoids and insectoids.
  • Information on homeworlds, ranging from the arid Tatooine, the stormy Kamino, the frigid Hoth, and numerous other diverse planets.
  • Phonetic pronunciations; names like Askajian, H'nemthe, Iktotchi, Ssi-ruu, Xexto, and Quermian are more challenging to pronounce than spell.
  • Notable appearances: a listing of significant appearances of each species throughout the expansive _ Star Wars _ storyline.

Furthermore, this updated edition features a glossary of essential descriptive terms and original, full-color illustrations for over one hundred species. Given the vastness of the galaxy, organization is crucial. Rely on Star Wars: The New Essential Guide to Alien Species—and ensure you have it before departing your homeworld.

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Noteworthy Additional Species

