The Official Star Wars Fact File 4

The Official Star Wars Fact File number 4 represents the fourth installment of The Official Star Wars Fact File, which became available on January 23, 2002. Darren Allanson, Chris Gardner, Iain Lowson, and Jim Swallow served as the authors for this particular issue. Furthermore, it showcased unique illustrations created by Carl Lyons.


  • Battle of Hoth (HOT 1-6): The initial significant defeat experienced by the Rebel Alliance, occurring during the engagement on the icy planet.
  • Luke Skywalker (SKY 1-4): The unassuming agricultural worker who discovered a different destiny as the final Jedi.
  • Admiral Ozzel (OZZ 1-2): A stickler for the rules, this officer ultimately faced his demise at the hands of Darth Vader.
  • Dagobah (DAG 1-4): A swamp planet inhabited by perilous creatures and serving as the residence of Jedi Master Yoda.
  • IG-88 Assassin Droid (ASS 1-2): A frightening assassin droid that evolved into a dreaded bounty hunter.
  • Thermal detonators (THE 1-2): Potent explosive weapons employed by stormtroopers, bounty hunters, and members of the Rebel Alliance.
  • Millennium Falcon (MIL 1-2): The heavily damaged vessel piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca, which transformed into a symbol of the Rebellion.


Original artistic renderings by Carl Lyons are featured within the IG-88 Assassin Droid article.
