The Official Star Wars Fact File 5, published on January 30, 2002, represented the fifth installment of The Official Star Wars Fact File. This particular edition was written by Darren Allanson, David Bailey, Chris Gardner, and Iain Lowson, and featured an illustration created specifically for it by Carl Lyons.
- The Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon (CAR 1-4): Jabba the Hutt orchestrates an execution near the lair of the dangerous Sarlacc creature.
- Jar Jar Binks (JAR 1-4): The clumsy Gungan, an outcast from his own society.
- Grand Admiral Thrawn (THR 1-4): An alien commander who led Imperial forces following the Emperor's demise.
- Bespin (BES 1-4): A massive gas giant, home to life that has developed within its floating cloud layers.
- Droideka - Destroyer Droids (DRO 1-2): The Trade Federation's rapid and heavily armed destroyer-type droids.
- Hyperspace (HYP 1-2): Exploring the mysteries behind achieving faster-than-light travel through hyperspace jumps.
- Sith Infiltrator (SIT 1-2): Darth Maul's well-equipped and stealthy spacecraft.
The article focusing on Grand Admiral Thrawn incorporates original artwork produced by Carl Lyons.