The Official Star Wars Fact File 7

The Official Star Wars Fact File 7 was the seventh installment of The Official Star Wars Fact File, which was made available on February 13, 2002. Darren Allanson, Andrew Darling, Chris Gardner, Iain Lowson, and Jim Swallow are credited as the writers of this issue. Furthermore, original illustrations were contributed by Carl Lyons and Tig Sutton.


  • Deploying the Death Star (DEA 1-2) With Princess Leia captured, preparations were made to utilize the Death Star.
  • Princess Leia Organa (LEI 3-8) A Senator and Alderaan's royal princess who rose to prominence as a pivotal Rebel leader.
  • Watto (WAT 1-4) The Toydarian merchant of scrap who once had ownership of Anakin Skywalker.
  • Core Worlds Overview (PLA 1-6) Governmental hubs and planetary systems located near the Galactic Core.
  • B'omarr Brain Walker (BOM 1-2) Bio-mechanical monks found within Jabba the Hutt's palace.
  • Sabacc (SAB 1-2) The intriguing game of chance through which Han Solo acquired the Millennium Falcon.
  • TIE Fighter (TIE 1-2) A widely utilized, high-performance Imperial starfighter seen in numerous battles and engagements.


The Sabacc article showcases original artwork of Lando Calrissian by Carl Lyons on page SAB 1, and the article's second page features original drawings of a collection of four Sabacc cards by Tig Sutton.
