The Oracle (Pelgrin)

The Oracle, a relic of immense age and mystery, resided on the planet Pelgrin. By the time the Clone Wars raged, it stood as potentially one of the most ancient artifacts present in the galaxy. The Pelgrin people were responsible for its creation, dating back as far as two million years prior to the Battle of Yavin. It was recognized for its capacity to grant profound visions to individuals sensitive to the Force.


This Oracle was housed within an 88-meter-tall (equivalent to a ten-story building) octagonal tower, constructed from Dieuw tree wood reinforced with unidentified metals. Its internal workings featured a sophisticated mechanical system of gears, pendulums, and switches. The Oracle itself was situated deep within a chamber located in the central shaft, extending from the structure's base to its apex. A hexagonal chamber crowned the tower. A winding spiral staircase provided access throughout the tower's height.


A prominent legend recounts that Xim the Despot himself journeyed to the Oracle during the zenith of his power. His return from this venture is chronicled in The Despotica, a collection of dramatic plays detailing the Despot's life. However, considering the Pelgrin sector's distance from Xim's empire during that era, such accounts should be approached with skepticism.

Though shrouded in mystery in later times, the Oracle of Pelgrin held significance for some during the early years of the Republic. Arden Lyn recounted to her Imperial captors in 4 BBY that she visited the Oracle directly after her initiation as a Steel Hand of Palawa, around 24,500 BBY. Lyn asserted that the Oracle's intricate mechanisms instructed her to seek out the Jedi fortress world of Ossus, where she would encounter "a man fair of face and clever of mind," whom she was to take as her master. This man, Xendor, along with Lyn, embarked on a novel exploration of the Force, ultimately leading to the Great Jedi Schism. Lyn further claimed that the Jedi purged all records of the Oracle following her visit.

Around 3000 BBY, a scientist from the Galactic Republic named Ermin Phin-Mar and his exploration team rediscovered the Oracle. Although found, the device was inactive at the time. Through examination, Phin-Mar concluded that it was originally designed as an astronomical instrument, and that the Pelgrin people held it in profound religious and symbolic esteem. Later, the Jedi Order dispatched Shannur Darkstar to assist the exploration team in studying the device. It was then revealed that the Oracle possessed a profound connection to the Force when the machine awakened during her meditation in the central chamber. From this, it was inferred that the Oracle responded to Force-sensitives, despite no evidence suggesting that the Pelgrin themselves possessed such abilities. Moreover, operating the Oracle effectively required a strong Force user.

At this juncture, the Oracle's true nature was unveiled, earning it its name as Shannur experienced a vision of a significant battle. She was not alone, as other Jedi present on the planet also received visions of future events. Rumors circulated that the ancient Pelgrin had foreseen their own demise long ago, even before the emergence of the threat that would cause it. However, these were merely speculations at the time, as there was no concrete indication of the Pelgrin people's fate. Given the Oracle's immense power, the Jedi Order requested restricted access to the planet, a decision contested by numerous scientists who suspected the Jedi intended to seize the construct for their own purposes.

Following several investigations into the Oracle, the Republic sided with the Jedi. Subsequently, the Jedi maintained a detailed record of every vision received, and decades later, these visions began to materialize. Some visions, such as the one experienced by Shannur Darkstar, took millennia to unfold, solidifying the Oracle's status as a galactic treasure. However, disaster struck when pirates, secretly employed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, destroyed the Oracle, fearing that the device would expose his future plans to annihilate the Jedi.


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