The Ring served as a residential sector within the city of Bartyn's Landing, situated on the planet of Lamaredd. Originally, it was a severely overcrowded zone designed to house the numerous "indentured servants" of the city, but its state would later be improved.
Approximately five hundred years prior to the Battle of Naboo, Hugo Bartyn, an operative working for the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, received the assignment of Administrator for the mines located on the world of Lamaredd. Bartyn realized Lamaredd also possessed abundant seafood resources, leading him to plan the creation of a fishing settlement from which he could independently export these delicacies, bypassing ORO's involvement.
Using his personal funds, Bartyn acquired a dilapidated Hoersch-Kessel LH-3010 capital freighter from some Neimoidian merchants. He then utilized mining explosives to dismantle portions of the freighter, thereby constructing the basic structure of the coastal town. The ship's outer perimeter, resembling an incomplete circle, became known as "the Ring," designated as the residential area for the city's fishermen.
Initially, Bartyn forcibly conscripted aliens from various amphibious species, including Chagrians, Iskalonians, Mon Calamaris, and Quarrens, compelling them to reside within this limited space under extremely poor living conditions.
Eventually, around 517 BBY, Bartyn was compelled to negotiate with the Sailor's Union and make previously unused portions of the Ring available to aliens. Additionally, he permitted a number of aliens to establish settlements outside of the Landing, which enhanced the Ring's habitability.
Five centuries following Bartyn's era, the Ring remained a residential district, although the standard of living had improved, despite the continued presence of several slum areas. Many inhabitants of the Landing utilized their individual skimmersubs for transportation through the Ring's lower levels.
In 29 BBY, a popular figure from the town council of the city secretly frequented the Ring to indulge in the local debauchery and spice. During one of these clandestine visits, this individual was murdered, prompting Mix Liddell, the local Security Chief, to initiate a formal investigation.