The Thunderhead

Within the tumultuous Akkadese Maelstrom of the Outer Rim Territories, existed The Thunderhead, a specific area found inside the Corkscrew. The pilot BoShek, an independent operator, had long considered the possibility of navigating the Corkscrew by way of the Thunderhead; he believed this would allow him to set a new record for completing the Kessel Run. This perilous journey involved transporting valuable coaxium fuel or spice from the world of Kessel, situated within the Akkadese Maelstrom, to a refinery or purification planet located outside of it. BoShek aimed to secure the resources required for his Kessel Run attempt by achieving a top-three finish in the 0 ABY Dragon Void Run starship competition, an ambition he documented in the Smuggler's Guide book. However, the pilot failed to achieve his goal in the Dragon Void Run, which resulted in him returning to cargo transportation as a means to generate money.

Behind the scenes

The 2018 reference work, Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, authored by Daniel Wallace, included a reference to the Thunderhead.


  • Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide (Initial mention)

Notes and references
