"Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88", a short story penned by Kevin J. Anderson, appeared within the pages of Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Bantam Spectra released this anthology in December of 1996. The story delves into the origins of the droid bounty hunter known as IG-88, along with his identical counterparts, and their ambitious endeavor to spark a droid uprising across the galaxy. This narrative begins a few years prior to the events of A New Hope and concludes during the Battle of Endor.
The title alludes to Descartes's philosophical assertion of existence, "Cogito, ergo sum," translating to "I think, therefore I am." This phrase plays a significant role in IG-88's attainment of sentient artificial intelligence.
Imperial Supervisor [Gurdun]'s vision, the IG Series Prototype Project, aimed to produce the ultimate assassin droid. At Holowan Laboratories, the IG-88 prototype was activated. Due to its sentient programming, this particular assassin droid immediately gained a sense of self. After eliminating the laboratory staff, IG-88A transferred his programming into three identical versions of himself. With the temporary assistance of an older IG unit, IG-72, the quartet swiftly escaped the facility, seized a starship, and launched into space. Journeying to Mechis III, they formulated a plan to take control of the entire galaxy.
From [orbit](/article/orbit-legends], the four assassin droids reprogrammed the droids residing on the planet's surface, instructing them to overthrow the human supervisors of the droid manufacturing plant. From this point, they would commence their mission to achieve galactic dominance. Superficially, the administration of Mechis III appeared unchanged, with operations continuing and orders being fulfilled. However, the droids being shipped were now programmed to eradicate all biological lifeforms upon receiving the designated command.
After Gurdun issued an order to "dismantle on sight," IG-88B was dispatched to divert attention away from the base on Mechis III. Accepting a bounty to capture Han Solo, IG-88 found himself aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. While on board, he downloaded the ship's computer files, uncovering the construction blueprints for the new Death Star. This discovery presented a new objective to the group of four: to seize control of the Imperial space station. Following the placement of microtrackers on the ships of the other bounty hunters, IG-88B returned to their base.
As the assassin droids moved forward with their schemes, they received information indicating that another bounty hunter, Boba Fett, had tracked the smuggler to Bespin. The B model was once again deployed to collect its bounty. Shortly after arriving in Cloud City, IG-88B met its end at the hands of Fett, who ultimately captured Solo, encased in carbonite. IG-88C and IG-88D were sent to avenge IG-88B, while the A version persisted with the plan to acquire the computer core of the Death Star II. C and D were destroyed over the sands of Tatooine and on Ord Mantell by Boba Fett and Dash Rendar, respectively.
IG-88A successfully obtained the Death Star's computer core and integrated himself into its programming. However, the realization of their ambition was short-lived, as the Rebel fleet destroyed the space station during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY.