Three-Five, alternatively known as 35, served as a clone trooper within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Three-Five, along with another trooper designated 17, was tasked with defending the rear of a barricade. This barricade was also being defended by fellow troopers against an onslaught of Separatist B1-Series battle droids. A clone commando known as Boss encountered the two clones just before the droids breached a nearby wall. Together, Boss, Three-Five, and the remaining clones successfully repelled the attacking droids, driving them back towards a Separatist heavy weapon emplacement.
Also identified as 35, Three-Five was a Human male clone derived from the genetic material of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. His birth occurred on the aquatic world of Kamino. As a trooper, he served the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, a war between the Republic and the separatist faction called the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Three-Five was among the forces deployed when the Republic invaded the Separatist planet of Geonosis in 22 BBY.
While stationed on Geonosis, clone troopers Three-Five and 17 were assigned to protect the back side of a barricade. Other troopers were defending the barricade's front against the advancing battle droids. During this time, the clone commando Boss approached their position. Noticing the commando, Trooper 17 alerted Three-Five to his arrival. Upon seeing Boss, Three-Five commented on the potential for commandos to secure victory in the war if their skills matched their reputation. Just as Boss reached their group, Separatist B1-Series battle droids circumvented the barricade by blasting through a wall, resulting in the death of one of the clone troopers. Trooper Three-Five, along with the remaining clones, engaged the attacking droids, successfully pushing them back towards a Separatist gun emplacement.
Three-Five, like all clones originating from Jango Fett's genetic template, possessed a height of 1.83 meters. He demonstrated a high degree of respect for clone commandos, expressing his belief in their exceptional combat abilities upon observing commando Boss on Geonosis.
Three-Five was equipped with white Phase I clone trooper armor and carried a DC-15S blaster rifle, a standard weapon for Republic clone troopers at the outset of the Clone Wars.
The clone trooper known as Three-Five made an appearance in Star Wars: Republic Commando, a first-person shooter developed by LucasArts and released in 2005. Roger Jackson provided the voice for the character.