The vessel named Thrifty functioned as both a needle ship and the Momship within the Squib Reclamation Fleet; it was a Squib design. During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, it served as the personal transport for the Squib monarch, Ebareebaveebeedee.

Thrifty largely resembled a standard needle ship. Constructed from countless discarded metal sheets, its offensive capabilities were limited to a few tractor beams. These were employed defensively, creating barriers of debris and launching assorted refuse at opposing forces.
In its role as the Momship, Thrifty featured a more elaborate interior compared to typical needle ships. Mosaics crafted from shattered dricklefruit containers adorned its surfaces, and it housed a spacious audience hall for the king. This chamber, reaching a height of three meters, was filled with glittering ornaments and artistic creations. A mural (composed entirely of Imperial Tax Stamps) on the ceiling depicted a needle ship, encircled by waste, approaching a verdant planet.
Following the assistance provided by Rebel Alliance agents in acquiring a gravity-well projector from the Ugors residing in the Paradise system, Ebareebaveebeedee commissioned additional murals illustrating the system's descent into disorder, along with depictions of the Rebel heroes. The chamber's focal point was a throne fashioned from the cockpit of a Z-95 Headhunter.