Thunian wart-hornet

Wart-hornets from Thune were a type of insect that originated from and were frequently found on Thune. This planet is located within Wild Space. These wart-hornets possessed swollen, slick physiques that brought toads to mind. They also had two sets of multicolored wings, similar to those of Gorsian dragonflies. Their backs featured aquamarine glowing, throbbing warts. The tongues of these wart-hornets secreted a venom that induced localized pain and swelling upon contact. If threatened, a wart-hornet would produce a piercing shriek, alerting other wart-hornets nearby.

Behind the scenes

The junior novel Adventures in Wild Space: The Snare marked the initial appearance of Thunian wart-hornets. This book was authored by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by David M. Buisán, and it was released on February 25, 2016.

