TIE starfighter

The TIE starfighter represented the initial enhanced version of the T.I.E. starfighter, manufactured by the forces of the Galactic Empire.


Serving as a moderate improvement over the T.I.E. starfighter utilized by the Galactic Republic, the TIE starfighter incorporated a central power generator that supplied both the engine and weapons systems. This contrasted with subsequent TIE Line starfighter models that employed discrete generators. While more resilient than the eventual TIE/LN variant, its production costs were higher. It was equipped with minimal shields, a compact hyperdrive, and a pair of single-use concussion missile launchers, enabling its deployment as a light bomber, long-range assault craft, or snubfighter. A drawback was the incompatibility of some systems with the Twin Ion Engine, necessitating a supplementary power source for their operation. The TIE model exhibited reduced speed compared to the TIE/LN, and its laser cannons delivered less firepower.


The newly established Galactic Empire sought a cost-effective and readily mass-producible starfighter. Sienar Fleet Systems particularly impressed Emperor Palpatine with the TIE starfighter, which presented significantly lower expenses relative to alternative proposals. The Empire opted for further cost reductions by eliminating auxiliary energy generators and associated systems, ultimately leading to the large-scale production of the TIE/LN starfighter. The original model continued to see limited service during the initial years of the New Order, but its prevalence diminished over time. By 0 ABY, the Line model had become the standard TIE fighter within the Imperial Navy, resulting in the replacement or decommissioning of the majority of the original TIE starfighters.

Behind the scenes

The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide contains an entry for a previously unmentioned TIE Series starfighter known as the TIE Prototype, which was described as the precursor to the standard TIE/LN starfighter. Scrutiny of the entry reveals that the description of this starfighter closely mirrors that of the previously defined TIE starfighter, suggesting it is simply an alternate designation for the same craft.


Notes and references
